Nhiệm vụ cần hoàn thành

Từ công cụ kanban

	file.link AS "Ghi chú"
FROM "02_Literature Notes" 
WHERE assignee = "Trần Đức Nam" and status != "Done" and status != "Canceled"
SORT due

Từ task trên Markdown

// get the current Monday
const today = new Date();
const daysToMonday = 6 - today.getDay();
  //calculate 1 week from Monday
let oneWeekFromNow = new Date(today.getTime() + daysToMonday  * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
//get the first of the month
  //calculate 1 month from now
const firstDayOfNextMonth = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth()+1, 1);
let oneMonthFromNow = firstDayOfNextMonth.getTime();
//Get all tasks
let tasks = dv.pages().file.tasks;
//calculate total and completed tasks
let totalTasks = tasks.length;
let completedTasks = tasks.where(t => t.completed).length;
//calculate total and completed tasks this week
let totalWeek = tasks.filter(task => task.due && new Date(task.due) <= oneWeekFromNow).length;
let completedWeek = tasks.where(t => t.completed && t.due && new Date(t.due) <= oneWeekFromNow).length;
//calculate total and completed tasks this month
let totalMonth = tasks.filter(task => task.due && new Date(task.due) <= oneMonthFromNow).length;
let completedMonth = tasks.where(t => t.completed && t.due && new Date(t.due) <= oneMonthFromNow).length;
//print progress bar
function progress(value, total) {
    let pct = value/total * 100;
    return `<progress value="${parseInt(pct)}" max="100"></progress> | ${parseInt(pct)} %`
//print progress bars in table
|     | Trạng thái | |
| --- | --- | --- |
| **Toàn bộ** | ${progress(completedTasks, totalTasks)} | 
| **Trong tháng**| ${progress(completedMonth, totalMonth)}  | 
| **Trong tuần** | ${progress(completedWeek, totalWeek)}  | 
  task.text AS "Nhiệm vụ",
  file.link AS "Từ ghi chú",
  task.created AS "Ngày tạo",
  task.due AS "Thời hạn",
  task.schedule AS "Ngày dự định",
  task.start AS "Ngày bắt đầu"
FLATTEN file.tasks as task
WHERE task.checked != true
SORT updated DESC